by Jeffrey Prag
by Jeffrey Prag

Short on time? Listen to this article.
If running has taught me anything, it’s that I hate starting over.
I’m an avid runner and for years I’ve been lacing up my shoes with the pain of struggling up that first hill in the back of my mind.
I know from practice that the more consistent I am with my training, the easier the hills feel—and I’ve reached the point where the pain of starting over beats any feeling of laziness or dread of running in bad weather.
It’s a lesson that’s served me well in running and in business.
You’ve probably read a dozen articles with similar headlines to this one by now, each encouraging you to set a different business-oriented goal for the year ahead.
From improving company culture to setting revenue and profit goals, these lists offer good advice for setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely) goals.
But they often miss the common thread required to follow through on those resolutions, no matter how “smart” they may be.
Too often, business owners thwart their own success by giving up on their goals too early (especially if they don’t see immediate returns) or becoming distracted by a new, shinier goal.
It’s not a flaw. In fact, this eagerness to succeed comes from being a great thinker.
But what these founders fail to see is that “success” is less about checking goals off a list and more about finding the consistency needed to stay the course.
As author and entrepreneur Nick Stephenson said, “Even a 1% improvement every day doubles your results.” It’s really the consistency of your actions is what propels you towards your goals, no matter how small the improvement. You have to build momentum, compounding results with each new action that builds on the last.
But finding consistency in your business isn’t just a sure-fire way to bring focus and action to your resolutions.
Consistency in your brand, service and presence plays an important role in building trust with your clients and customers. Remember: your customers are counting on you to do as you say and the more dependable you are, the more likely they are to keep coming back.
It’s also vital to your role as founder or CEO.
As a leader, it’s doubly important that you maintain a consistent approach with your team. If you are inconsistent, not only will you lose momentum reaching your goals but your team will also feel less comfortable taking initiative, leading to increased risk and costs.
When you’re consistent in your approach, you’re empowering your team to do the same, which will only benefit your business in the long-run. Plus, by showing your most consistent side, you’ll build trust and morale within your team.
So, if there is one resolution I hope you put on your list this year it’s to embrace consistency.
And if you need help staying accountable to this and the other business goals on your list, know that the Howbridge team is here to bridge the gap between idea and execution.
Get in touch today to see how we can help you embrace consistency and start 2023 off on the right foot.
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