by Jeffrey Prag
by Jeffrey Prag

Making swift, courageous decisions and leading by example… that’s the essence of leadership. In theory, the ideal leader must have infinite flexibility to adapt their leadership style according to the situation and Associate needs. That said however, in today’s business environment, companies are realizing that the perfect, flexible leader does not exist. Every leader has strengths and weaknesses and there is a need to strike a balance using the individual’s preferred leadership style and vision, as well as meeting the needs of the situation. A leader never suffers “analysis paralysis” but is always doing something in pursuit of his corporate vision, while inspiring others to do the same.
While leadership can be defined as one’s ability to get others to willingly follow, most leaders must have the discipline to work towards their vision single-mindedly, as well as direct their actions and those of the team towards a common goal. Leadership needs to be appropriate for the situation and can range from completely dictatorial to collaborative to totally hands off, empowering others to make all decisions. Regardless of leadership style, every business organization needs leaders at every level and a good leader, whether they naturally possess leadership qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen their leadership qualities in their leadership role.
Leadership is developed from two perspectives, the business organization on one side and the individual on the other. A business needs leadership by need and the individual by talent. Businesses need leadership that supports the business’s culture, goals and mission statement. A leader must be able to communicate their vision in terms that Associates will accept and be willing to follow. This communication must be clear and passionate, as passion is contagious. Getting involved and being ahead of your Associates is one of the most important functions of a valued leader who wants to create cohesive and willing followers who feel confident that they will have guidance when needed and are motivated by example to perform at their best.
Leadership may be one of the most popular topics covered by self-development authors and business coaches. Still, several misconceptions persist in regard to what it takes to be a truly effective leader. In this blog post, we break down some of the most common leadership myths so you can feel more confident about your position […]
Taking stock of your past and learning from your mistakes is key to growing as a leader and encouraging innovation in your business ventures. Howbridge CEO Jeff Prag discusses 3 key lessons from his own experience. How do you encourage growth in your leadership and innovation in your business? Take stock of your past and […]
Entrepreneurs, journalists, musicians and artists alike are in a perpetual pursuit of innovation. Our focus concentrates on the future. Wondering about the past is deemed a waste of time and the present moment is largely overlooked for the feelings of stagnation that accompany it. Startup founders want to imagine a future that nobody has yet […]
A Short History In 1997, Netflix Founders Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings felt irritated by Blockbuster’s $40 late return-fee. This frustration led them to the idea of renting DVDs by mail using a subscription model and the seed of what we now know as Netflix was planted. By 2000, Hastings and Randolph offered to sell […]